As the 2021 year comes to an end, we are so happy to see some normalcy return throughout the summer, allowing barrel races to be run. The rodeo associations also got to have a short season, with finals being pushed further into the fall. Hopefully next year will be back to normal schedules and events can run without covid restrictions!
The CBHI Super Stakes Stallion Auction was another successful one, bringing in $183,000.00 for the payout in 2025. The waiting list moved forward again this year, adding 4 new stallions into the auction.
The CBHI Futurity/Derby held at Ponoka over the thanksgiving weekend saw 135 entries in the futurity with 77 being Super Stakes Certificate Holders. The Derby saw 160 entries, with 92 being Super Stakes certificate Holders. The CBHI paid out $330,000.00 at our big event. We continue to have large entries, and with the new format of running the open, youth, and peewee on the Thursday and Friday, then the Futurity, Derby, and Horse Sale on the Saturday and Sunday, the overall feedback was that this format was so much better and easier to follow and attend.
In total, The CBHI paid out $65,000.00 in 2021 Incentive money to offspring of our nominated stallions, and $18,000.00 paid out to stallion owners. Top stallion for 2021 was Ninety Nine Goldmine, with 40 placings and a payout of $1,328.00.
CBHI launched a new mare program in 2021, to include those owners who are breeding to a CBHI Stallion, but are not necessarily a stallion owner themselves. We had over 100 nominated before the deadline, and more sending enquires! Please take the time to go over the new program information included in your package.
Our AGM is slated for January 23, 2021at 11am, at the Calnash Ag Event Center, PONOKA. Please RSVP by January 8, 2022. Lunch is provided, and any AGM topic or nominations for directors must be received by the office before December 23th, 2021..
Directors meeting to follow lunch.
Thank-you for supporting and standing behind the #1 growing Barrel Horse Incentive in Canada. Remember to get your 2021 stallion nominations into the office by Dec 1, 2021.
Happy Trails,
Laurie Bresee~CBHI President