As the 2020 year comes to an end, we can all agree it has been a trying one. As the entire world was thrown into turmoil, dealing with a pandemic no one can predict the end of.
The barrel races were few and far between, with nothing being run until the summer months. As a result, the CBHI only had 6 of the 15 approved co-sanctioned races take place. The upside is there was a big increase in entries at these events, and we saw a lot of names on the entries that were new, due to there being no rodeos.
The CBHI Super Stakes Stallion Auction was another successful one, bringing in $152,000 for the payout in 2024. The waiting list started to move forward this year, adding 1 new stallion into the auction.
The CBHI Futurity/Derby held at Ponoka over the thanksgiving weekend saw 169 entries in the futurity with 98 being Super Stakes Certificate Holders. The Derby saw 183 entries, with 91 being Super Stakes certificate Holders. The CBHI paid out $358,376.00 at our big event.
Considering the downturn of the economy, our numbers were up 35% across the board, proving we have a superior program that our riders and stallion owners can stand behind and support.
Winner of the SS Futurity $37,080.00 was Mr Golden Jess, owned & ridden by Shelby Robbins and sired by Crimson Jess, stallion was owned by Sandy Ridge back at nomination time receiving $12,360.00
Winner of the SS Derby $9,270.00 was SR Boots On Fire, owned & ridden by Lynette Brodoway and sired by Root Beers Boots, owned by Sandy Ridge.
In total, The CBHI paid out $28,000.00 in 2020 Incentive money to offspring of our nominated stallions, and $7,140.00 paid out to stallion owners. Top stallion for 2020 was Ninety Nine Goldmine, with 25 placings and a payout of $815.00.
Because we only had 6 out of 15 events run this year, the stallion incentive money followed what was paid out. For the next year, we will add in money not paid in 2020 so there will be more chances to win incentive money and stallion kick backs.
Our AGM is slated for January 24, 2021, at the Calnash Ag Event Center, PONOKA. Please RSVP by January 8, 2021. Lunch is provided, and any AGM topic or nominations for directors must be received by the office before December 24th, 2020..
Directors meeting to follow lunch.
Thank-you for supporting and standing behind the #1 growing Barrel Horse Incentive in Canada. Remember to get your 2021 nominations into the office by Dec 1, 2020
Happy Trails,
Laurie Bresee - CBHI President |
As the 2019 year comes to an end, we can all agree it has been a trying one. As the entire western provinces saw weather that was unusual and out of the ordinary, Canada is under a Liberal minority government, and our Oil and Gas sectors are still struggling to survive.
Also, this year has proven that all of those barrel horses out there that we have all worked hard to get to where they are now know what it is like to work and/or run in mud up to their knees.
The CBHI Super Stakes Stallion Auction was another successful one, bringing in $162,000 for the payout in 2023. The waiting list is getting closer to starting to fill in spots within the 125 stallions in the Super Stakes, as we saw 127 in the Auction in 2019.
As a board, we do realize it is frustrating to be on the waiting list, but please be patient, your time will come.
We have listened to our stallion owners, and starting in the 2020 auction, minimum starting bid will be $400, or 1/2 of your breeding fee and charges, whichever is greater.
The CBHI Futurity/Derby held at Ponoka over the thanksgiving weekend saw 135 entries in the futurity with 86 being Super Stakes Certificate Holders. The Derby saw 130 entries, with 70 being Super Stakes certificate Holders. The CBHI paid out $148,384 at our big event, not including the SS winning cheques. Considering the downturn of the economy, our numbers held strong matching 2018’s, proving we have a superior program that our riders and stallion owners can stand behind and support.
Winners of the futurity $38,400.00 SS Payout was DK Shawne’s Dixie, owned by Traci Kennedy and sired by Famous Playboy, owned by Devon and Kim Gerwatoski.
Winners of the Derby $9,600.00 SS Payout was Hez My Magic Man, owned by Carly Christianson and Sired by Jess Magic, owned by Ralph Danard and Ed Borgstrom.
In total, The CBHI paid out $53,100.00 in 2019 Incentive money to offspring of our nominated stallions, and $17,700 paid out to stallion owners. Top stallion for 2019 was Ninety Nine Goldmine, with 26 placings and a payout of $1349.66.
Our AGM is slated for January 26, 2020, at the Executive Royal Hotel, 8450 Sparrow Drive, Leduc, Alberta. Please RSVP by January 10, 2020. Lunch is provided, and any AGM topic or nominations for directors must be received by the office before December 26th, 2019.
Directors meeting to follow lunch.
Thank-you for supporting and standing behind the #1 growing Barrel Horse Incentive in Canada.
Happy Trails,
Laurie Bresee
President |
CBHI Members
The CBHI had another year of tremendous growth in all
aspects. Even though our economy has seemed to hit rock bottom our stallion
auction remained strong, incentive entries were up and our October event was the
biggest yet. Below is an overview of our entries since the Super Stakes
# of Entries |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Futurity |
62 |
79 |
105 |
103 |
120 |
145 |
Derby |
72 |
74 |
86 |
105 |
112 |
142 |
Futurity Super Stakes |
20 |
30 |
43 |
63 |
68 |
87 |
Derby Super Stakes |
0 |
10 |
26 |
34 |
54 |
73 |
Our incentive year end stallion placings are attached.
We had a three way tie this year for our most amounts of placings achieved by
offspring. Congratulations to Timeline, LDS Unleashed and Ninety Nine Goldmine
along with their connections.
Just a reminder that 2019 stallion nominations are due
Dec1 and Super Stakes farm picks are also due Dec 1 if they are
Our AGM is slated for January 27th, 2019 at
10:30 am at the Executive Royal Hotel-8450 Sparrow Drive, Leduc, Alberta. Please
RSVP and buffet is also included. Any AGM topic or nominations for director must
be submitted to the office before December 27th, 2018. A directors
meeting will follow the lunch.
Thank You,
CBHI President |
October 22, 2016
The Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive Mandate reads, “a non-profit organization designed to promote barrel racing & barrel racing breeders in Canada”
We have succeeded.
In 2009 the sale average on 24 horses sold was $1654.17
and in 2016 the sale average on 25 horses sold was $4032
In 2013 the first Super Stakes cheques were handed out and this year we saw the Super Stakes Futurity horses double in entries and there was a 20 head increase in Derby horses.
The weather did not hold anyone back. We are the fall event not to miss for competitors, breeders and spectators alike.
We moved to Ponoka in 2012 and it has proven to be an excellent venue that has accommodated the rapid growth of the program over the past four years.
We would like to thank all the people who make this event run so smoothly.
The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for January 29, 2017, 10:00 am at the Calnash Center, Ponoka and we would like to remind you that director nominations are due 30 days prior to the Annual general Meeting. Please email the office to confirm attendance for lunch. Contact the office for forms and with any questions. Also don’t forget to get your stallion nominations in by December 1.
Please note that the office address has changed to:
Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive
51314 RRD22
Parkland County, Alberta
T7Y 2H8
Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season.
JoAnn Winther
CBHI President |
October 28, 2015
December 1st is fast approaching and with that comes the end of another very successful year for CBHI. The Super Stakes auction this spring generated a record pot for the 2019 Super Stakes Futurity and Derby. The majority of the sanctioned events also experienced a lot of entries from CBHI horses. We sent out a survey earlier in the summer and listened to the stallion owners concerns and in return made a change limiting the number of stallions to the Super Stakes program. Stallion owners will see their Super Stakes foals become a premium product if there is a limited amount of them available. I see this also bringing up the average in the annual Super Stakes auction as well.
Thanksgiving weekend in Ponoka was a realization that this program is headed in the right direction at an amazing pace. We had the largest amount of entries of any futurity/derby in Canada this year and our open event was second only to the ABRA finals. The Super Stakes entries accounted for 38% of the futurity and 31% of derby entries. We were lucky enough to have our futurity sanctioned by the Future Fortunes program and they have already approved it again in 2016. We had a lot of first time stallions in the winner’s circle in both the Super Stakes futurity and derby and they were represented by 3 different provinces. We also had a derby horse that had previously won the Super Stakes futurity and ended up placing both derby years. This is a testament to the prosperity of owing a Super Stakes horse.
Year-end stallion placings have been determined and Frenchs Hulas Guy was the stallion which the garnered the most placings.
Our AGM is scheduled for January 23rd at 10:00am in Ponoka at the PAEC. Director nominations and agenda items must be received in the office by December 25th and you must RVSP by January 10th to ensure we have enough food.
Dawn Gertner
CBHI President |
Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive News |
CBHI Members
The CBHI had another year of tremendous growth in all aspects. Even though our economy has seemed to hit rock bottom our stallion auction remained strong, incentive entries were up and our October event was the biggest yet. Below is an overview of our entries since the Super Stakes inception.
# of Entries |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
Futurity |
62 |
79 |
105 |
103 |
120 |
145 |
Derby |
72 |
74 |
86 |
105 |
112 |
142 |
Futurity Super Stakes |
20 |
30 |
43 |
63 |
68 |
87 |
Derby Super Stakes |
0 |
10 |
26 |
34 |
54 |
73 |
Our incentive year end stallion placings are attached. We had a three way tie this year for our most amounts of placings achieved by offspring. Congratulations to Timeline, LDS Unleashed and Ninety Nine Goldmine along with their connections.
Just a reminder that 2019 stallion nominations are due Dec1 and Super Stakes farm picks are also due Dec 1 if they are yearlings.
Our AGM is slated for January 27th, 2019 at 10:30 am at the Executive Royal Hotel-8450 Sparrow Drive, Leduc, Alberta. Please RSVP and buffet is also included. Any AGM topic or nominations for director must be submitted to the office before December 27th, 2018. A directors meeting will follow the lunch.
Thank You,
Dawn Gertner
CBHI President |
Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive News updated DECEMBER 13, 2012 |
I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank you to all of the stallion owners that comprise the CBHI membership, which grew to 163 stallions this year. Your support of this program has resulted in its’ continuous expansion and as we move toward our 10th year in operation, we should all be very proud of what has been accomplished thus far.
2013 saw the presentation of our first Super Stakes awards with 23 out of the possible 40 horses running in the Futurity. A huge congratulations out to Milt Rigetti and rider Randa Nugent on the first placed Foxy Rose Bug sired by Crimewave. Milt received both awards as the horse’s owner and the stallion owner. Second place honors went to Kirsty White as the owner/rider of Copper Bugs Alive sired by AR Missin Cash who is owned by Suitor Quarter Horses – recipient of the “stallion owner kick-back”. Hart Quarter horses claimed the third place cheques with Preppies Last Judge, ridden by Rene LeClercq and sired by their stallion Preppies Last. The fourth place cheques for both owner and stallion owner were picked up by one of the founding members of the CBHI - Dee Butterfield riding Add A First sired by Perfect Possibility. It was a milestone event for the CBHI to be presenting those Super Stakes cheques! They were the result of countless hours of research and discussion by a group of people committed to the idea of creating something significant for Canadian breeders. The support and participation of the stallion owners has made this vision into a reality that’s future has been getting brighter each and every year since its’ inception. Next year we will see the Super Stakes Futurity pot more than double this year’s as well as the inaugural awarding of a Super Stakes Derby payout. Perfect Possibility was the leading CBHI sire with a total of 24 placings throughout the year for a total regular program stallion kick-back of $1349.28 to owner Dee Butterfield. Second was Crimewave owned by Milt Rigetti at $1068.18 and third on the list was Root Beers Boots owned by Sandy Ridge Stallion Station at $899.52. Each placing for 2013 resulted in $56.22 back to the stallion owner – the complete list of stallion earnings is available on the website. The number of entries at our annual Futurity and Derby were a testament to the effort put in by our program co-ordinator Kelly and a hard-working crew of people. Anyone that has ever hosted an event knows the amount of work and planning that is involved and I hope that everyone that worked to put together this year’s show knows how much their efforts are appreciated.
Please note that the stallion nomination deadline is December 1st, 2013 and if you miss the deadline, you will be moved to the bottom of the waiting list and may lose your odd/even sale year date when you are reinstated. As of 2014 all Super Stakes entries into the Breeder’s Sale must be yearlings. AGM items must be submitted in writing with your name a minimum of 30 days before the AGM which will be held in Ponoka at PAECS January 18, 2014. Director nomination forms can be found on the website and must be filled out, signed, faxed, e-mailed or mailed and received in the CBHI office 30 days prior to the AGM (by Dec.19, 2013) I personally want to extend my gratitude to all of the people that have been expressing their thoughts and recommendations with respect to the structure, operation and growth of the CBHI. The success of this association is due to the ideas that have been contributed by its’ membership over the years as well as the countless hours of volunteer labour.
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to seeing many of you at the AGM!
Sincerely; Alison Low - CBHI President |
cbhi_mar_2011_meeting minutes-(word)
 |
Meeting brought to order at 12:08 pm on October 09, 2010 in Thorsby, Alberta
Board Members Present:
Kelly Danard – Secretary / Treasurer Sharon Fergusson – President Alison Low – Vice President Lorene Stone – Director JoAnn Winther – Director Keri Schweer – Director Ralph Danard – Director Marti Bishop – Director
Stallion Owners Present: Veer, Batchelor, Bishop, Bull, Gertner, Tollefson, Pallameter, Strauss, Groves, Cooper, Fowler, Muldoon, Nugent, Wilson, Brook, Butterfield, Hart, Shauffer, Bresee, Reardon, Suitor. (sorry if I missed anyone)
Bishop adopted the minutes from October 09, 2009 as read.
Treasurer's Report: As of Sept 01, 2010
chequing $54 099.29
savings/super stakes $16177.49
2013 payout = Dec.11, 2009 deposit of $23 000.00 at 2.3% value @maturity $24623.29 { please see note at the end of this document }
2014 payout = June 01, 2010 deposit of $40 000.00 at 3.125% value @maturity $45319.46
( it is not the $50, 000.00 we have advertised because all the money from the on farm picks were not in by the time the investment was made)
old business:
-voting results from 09 were read. arising from that was the stallion buy back this will be put to a vote with the different ideas, aged super stakes horses for the sale, and super stakes certificates, will be discussed at this meeting.
-web site-we are working on that with Barb Poulsen and will be discussed in new business.
new business:
-Kelly made a motion to have the stallion's paid in($250 or $500 stallion incentive fee's) or post dated cheque's in by Jan 1 as well as the super stakes stallion donation form in. All in favour passed
-web site, Kelly and Barb are working on this. They have come up with a question answer page. Kelly will send that our in the voting issue's email for everyone to put down questions. When the voting results come back we will post this questions with the answer's. Kelly has also asked Barb to put a downloadable form page. This will have all the forms for everything on one page. Kelly also stated that the search engines pick up on text, so having all the stallions on the home page is the best.
-Schweer made a motion to change the dates of the super stakes stallion auction to Feb 1 to 28, 2011 Hart 2nd all in favour ,passed.
-allowing aged super stakes horses in the sale, discussion on the topic and Tollesfson made a motion not to allow aged super stakes horses in the sale, Bishop 2nd, all in favour, passed.
-super stakes payout, we discussed putting some of the money in the derby. For right now it is only for the futurity. this will have to go to a vote with different scenario's for people to look at.
-capping stallions- Nugent made a motion not to cap the stallions this year and we will re visit this next year. Schweer 2nd, all in favour, passed.
-Bishop made a motion that once a super stakes certificate is issued there's no refund or switching. Hart 2nd,all in favour, passed
-Groves made a motion to do all the work of putting on a futurity Calcutta to raise a little extra money. all in favour passed
-non profit- a lengthy conversation basically it is at a stand still. Kelly did get the name search done. Sharon will look in to this. We need to get this in placed to get the investments out of Alison's name and under the CBHI once we are registered.
-Bresee made a motion to budget a certain % to Kelly, but she has tabled her motion for now.
-paying Kelly- another lengthy conversation. basically it came down to few ideas, administration charge on the super stakes for 1 example put we will table this for now until we know where we stand financially at the end of the year and it will be presented to the stallion owners with different scenario's.
Gertner made a motion to pay Kelly once it is decide on. Bishop 2nd, all in favour, passed.
-advertising -this will be put to a vote again
(Kelly forgot to bring this up at the meeting)-stallion breeding reports. Kelly wants to keep records of the #'s to show how things are hopefully changing for the better. This will be followed up on later date.
-Fowler said that all the stallion owners have to take some part, for example posting the adds we send out and talk to people.
-Bishop said we should help Kelly as much as possible and with kindness. He said we have to remember this is alot of work that Kelly donates to this and get's the same benefits as everyone of us.
{ Please note that the delay in depositing the initial investment was due to the name of the Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive not being registered – we finally invested it under Alison’s name until this issue can be rectified. As she addressed at the meeting this is not a viable long term solution and she does not wish to have it as such much longer – should anything happen to her in the interim, all required documents are on file with Kelly / CBHI and the investment company ( ). The current directions are for a Change of Ownership to the current Secretary / Treasurer of the CBHI. As soon as the investigation is done relative to our options re: Non Profit etc. and the name is registered again, the necessary Change of Ownership documents to the Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive will filed immediately. If you have any questions specific to this, please feel free to contact Alison }
NEW FOR 2010.....
This year the CBHI will be awarding points to nominated horses competing at co-sanctioned events. Points will be awarded for placing and attending, this points will accumulate throughout the year. High Point blankets will be awarded to the Futurity/Derby and Open events with presentations taking place in Thorsby, October 10th.
Blanket sponsors are:
"Hansma Cutting Horses" home of "Caught Me Lookin",
"Double T Ranches " home of " Western Dash "
"Rock N Rock Acres "home of "Time Line","La Royal Dash"and"Cash For Firewater".
2010 Year End CBHI Winning Horses |
Futurity Winner Rider/Owner |
Ima Little Hottie |
Suitor's |
Derby Winner Rider/Owner |
Sugars Top Cash |
Lana Bohnet |
Open Winner Rider/Owner |
Whos Doll Fire |
Kim Mahon |
~ A Barrel Horse Program offering Cash Incentives for Riders and Stallion Owners ~
CBHI, SUPER STAKES Stallion Auction, Futurity/Derby Information, Incentive Nomination and Co-Sanctioned Events
Phone: 780-963-0987
© Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive; All rights reserved. |