Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive - offering Cash Incentives to Riders & Stallion Owners.

Updated Dec 3, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

CBHI Incentive Questions

1. Is the $250 or $500 stallion nomination due every year or is it just a one time fee?

The fee is due Dec 1 every year. Plus a $100 worker/volenteer fee per stallion ($50 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL STALLION).

*If you pay the stallion in one year all off spring are eligable no matter the age. If the following year you do not pay the stallion offspring are eligable. *Super Stakes horses are always Super Stakes eligable if they have a certificate.


2. Can you nominate any breed of stallion?

Yes, you can.


3. Can you nominate a mare to the CBHI?



4. What is the difference between the $250 nomination and the $500 nomination?

The $250 is for a stallion that is not competing themselves or doesn't have any offspring of competing age. Also the $250 fee is for deceased stallions with NO frozen semen available. The $500 nomination is for stallions that are going to compete themselves or has offspring competing. These stallion's in return will get money back if they or any off spring place at any of the co santioned events.


5. How does the added money work at a co santioned event?

This is just an example. If the CBHI has $1000 added at a 1 run 4D event. The $1000 is split equally to each D ($250 per D). Only CBHI horses are eligible and compete only against other CBHI horses that have entered (entry must be complete and fees paid prior to competing) the sidepot and placings are done separately from the jackpot as a true sidepot. Number of placings is dependent on the number of CBHI entries. 



6. How do I sign up at a event?

When you enter the event they will have it on the event entry form. Some events you pay the producer and some get directly paid to CBHI, instructions will be on the event entry form. The cost is $20/CBHI added money run (depends on which runs the host has designated CBHI). $10/entry is added to the payout in addition to the advertised added money. If the horse has entered a CBHI event before you will need to submit a copy of the horse's papers the first time you enter a new CBHI horse. 


7. How is all the stallion incentive money split up?

Out of all the stallion nominations ($250 or $500) 60% of that pot goes to co sanitioned events, 20% goes to the stallion kick backs at the end of the year, 20% goes to office /advertising. That equals 100% of money from paid stallions per year.

8. No CBHI stallion nominations or CBHI entry's will be accepted by registered mail or envelopes needing a signature. The forms and payment must come together.
CBHI Super Stakes Questions

1. If my mare does not catch from purchasing the stallion fee that year what happens?

The stallion service has a 2 year limit on it, so you can use it the following year. Another choice you have is sell it to someone. You have to email the office with any changes.


2. Are you allowed to transfer an on farm pick to a foal that does not belong to us that is sired by one of our CBHI stallions to make it super stakes?

Yes you are. We need a copy of the horses papers if the foal is not in the stallion owners name we need you (stallion owner) to write on the papers that this is one of your on farm picks for that year. It can not be older then a yearling as of Dec 1.


3. If we purchased a stud fee through the auction , do we get anything that says that the stud fee was bought and the resulting foal is nominated?

Once the resulting foal is born and you get the registration papers back, send the CBHI a copy of the resulting foals papers and your complete mailing address and you will get a super stakes certificate with the foals name and number on it.


4. How do I know if the horse is super stakes or not?

You should have a CBHI super stakes certificate with the horses name and number on it. If you didn't receive one you can always double check with the CBHI office. They are also listed under SS horses. The list on the web site is not always current.


5. What year does your super stakes horse have to futurity?

When you want to futurity your super stakes horse is totally up to you. You can run the horse as a 4 yr old if you want to, or wait until they are 5. Just remember the same rules are in place as the Canadian Barrel Futurity's. (you can not compete before Nov 15, a month before the year you futurity)


6. Is there ss money in the derby?

Yes there is. Please refer to the SS payout under the SS link.


7. What if the mare I breed to a SS stallion has twins?

You would have to pick one to receive the SS certificate on. Each stallion that stands in the SS auction receives 3 picks.

1-resulting foal from stallion auction

2-on farm pick

3-sale horse/ or your 2nd farm pick (same)


8. Why is the SS pot and auction run in different years then when its raised?

The money raised in the auction does not follow the same year as the foals being bred for that year.  The first year we ran the auction, people were selecting from yearlings and weanlings.  The auction will always be behind the pot raised which is why we are putting away money each year (from the interest on the investments) so that there will be payout available in the event that the Super Stakes program ever ends.  Whatever year the owner decides to futurity the horse is the pot that they run for (4 year old / 5 year old...)


9. Is the SS stallions capped?

Yes at 130, we have a waiting list. To get on the waiting list you must pay into the CBHI program. To hold your position you must pay your stallion in every year to hold that spot.


10. When do the SS farm pick papers have to be sent in?

The office needs a copy by Dec 1 if they are yearlings.


CBHI Breeders Horse Sale

1. Can any horse consign to the CBHI sale?

No, the sale is only for stallion owners. The stallion owners have a odd/even sale order list on the web site under breeders sale.


2. When is the sale deadline?

The deadline is July 1(No Exceptions).


3. Can you consign more than 1 sale horse?

First you must be the stallion owner, 2nd if you have more than 1 stallion nominated to the CBHI you may have 2 sale spots. In 2010 the CBHI put in place a sale order for the stallions. Please go to the following link for more information. Starting in 2014 all SS sale horses must be yearlings.


4. Are all the sale horses Super stakes?

No, Depending on if the stallion stood in the stallion auction.

What do you guys mean by the competing year? 
This is the year your horse will enter the futurities. 
Is that 3-4 year olds as well? Can a person enter in futuritys as a 3 year old? 
Yes, you can but most people wait until they are 4 or 5 years old. You can only compete for one year in the futurities. 

May 30th 2020 my horse is born. 
The exact birthday doesn’t matter, only the year they are born for eligibility. 

I would start my futurity year January 2024 or after he turns 4 in May2024? 
Futurity year would start Nov 15, 2023 if you plan to compete on him as a 4 year old. Nov 15, 2024
if you will wait and compete on him as a 5 year old. 

Then I complete in futurity,  till he’s 6 correct? 
You only compete in futurities for 1 year. You cannot compete in the futurities on a 6 year old. 
When I do my Futurity years, can I enter all the futurity races and non futurity races?  
“Futurity years” is not a correct statement, you only get 1 year to compete as a futurity horse,
 but it is correct you can enter any and all races

~ A Barrel Horse Program offering Cash Incentives for Riders and Stallion Owners ~
CBHI, SUPER STAKES Stallion Auction, Futurity/Derby Information, Incentive Nomination and Co-Sanctioned Events

Phone 780-963-0987

© Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive; All rights reserved.