Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive

Super Stakes Rules and Information

The buyer has 14 days to get their money in.  (if not you will be blacklisted) The runner up will then be notified.  They have 24 hours to decide and then 7 days to get their cheque in; if not it goes back to the stallion owner who then has 24 hours to decide and 7 days to get their cheque in.  This system will allow all bids/buybacks to be cleared up within 30 days. Stallion buy back is to be 1/2 of the stud fee or the average of the starting bids; whichever is higher. Stallion must be 5 panel tested to be in the auction. The stallion owner can not charge extra fees other then what is listed on the website. (this does not include other vet fees for non breeding issues)

Cheques should be made payable to CBHI
Mail to: CBHI 51314 RRD 22 PARKLAND COUNTY, AB T7Y 2H8

(no registered or signature required mail will be accepted)


Abusive behavior to office staff during the auction will not be tolerated. The problem bidder will be given a warning, and if the abusive behavior continues, they will not be allowed to bid anymore during that year. STALLION OWNERS NOT REPLACING A PRODUCING STALLION-Previously nominated stallions that are deceased can still be in the super stakes program for 2 years if they pay 1/2 of the stallion fee or the average of the starting bids, whichever is higher.  (They would have to also pay the $100 per on farm pick up to the 2 picks). All grade horses must be DNA typed.  For Super Stakes Certificates to be issued the CBHI office must have a DNA case number and a set of pictures of the nominated grade horse. (6 views, front, back, each side, and a head shot)
The purchaser of a Stallion Service can sell it privately.  CBHI office is to be notified in writing of the change A Stallion must stand in Canada for a minimum of 3 months (May to end of July) of the applicable year in order to participate in the Super Stakes Stallion Auction. The breeding dates must be clarified in the Super Stakes auction. The starting bid on any Super Stakes Auction stallion service is one half (1/2) of the current stud fee; minimum of $750 or unless otherwise noted higher.
Purchaser of a Stallion Service may switch mares, as long as the stallion owner is notified. Three (3) possible berths per stallion per year.1-Resulting foal from purchase of stud fee in Super Stakes Auction 2-Stallion owner on farm picks
Super Stakes nomination fee of $100 for Stallion Service Auction Foal is split between the purchaser of the Stallion Service $75; and the Stallion Owner $25
In the event of tie bidding, all parties will be contacted and given the opportunity to bid at a higher amount.  The bidding has not been won until closed is marked on the website, with the successful bidder’s name.It is the bidder’s responsibility to be available after 4 pm for any bidding wars. All on farm picks( Super Stakes) horses cannot be older than a yearling as of December 1 of their yearling year to be nominated. If a stallion is no longer in the SS when papers are submitted it is a $50 fee per certificate. When the horse runs in its fut/der years the stallion must be paid in to the CBHI program to recieve there cheque. This is only reflects on the stallion payout. Super Stakes is strictly Bonus money paid to Futurity/Derby horses (that carry a Super Stakes certificate), over and above the usual CBHI money awarded.
Stallion services listed are being offered by auction through on line bidding form, e-mail, or by phone.  Phone bids will be accepted between 9 am and 4 pm.  No new bidders will be accepted after 1 pm. On line bids are accepted 24 hours a day.  The “winning” bidder will be contacted by March 1. If a stallion owner has more than one (1) stallion; on farm picks and/or CBHI Select Sale consignments can be switched between stallions. A Stallion must stand in the Super Stakes Auction annually; and have appropriate fees paid to have Super Stakes eligibility. The buyer has 2 weeks to get their money in.  The runner up will then be notified.  They have 24 hours to decide and then a week to get their cheque in; if not it goes back to the stallion owner who then has 24 hours to decide and 1 week to get their cheque in.  This system will allow all bids/buybacks to be cleared up within 30 days. 
The farm location and stud fee are believed to be accurate although the CBHI will not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions.  All successful bids are final and all participants accept the rules and regulation before submitting their bid.  The purchasing party will not hold the CBHI or any other entity associated directly to the CBHI and the individuals working in conjunction with it responsible for any errors, omissions and/or liability. Once the Super Stakes Stallion Auction has started, a stallion cannot be added. Once a Super Stakes certificate has been made, no switches/substitutes will be allowed.A horse is not eligible for Super Stakes status unless it has a valid Super Stakes certificate.
All stallion services are sold as per the stallion farm’s rules and any special notes made on the website about that particular stallion.  It is the bidder’s responsibility to research the specific charges and conditions with respect to that particular stallion.  Shipped cooled semen, mare care, chute/farm fees, veterinary and farrier services are not included.   On Farm pick nomination deadline is December 1 of the foal’s yearling year.

Black list removal for non payment bidders : pay a fine of the last bid the bidder placed, as well as supply the CBHI with a refundable Cashiers cheque of money order in the amount of the maximum amount that they are willing to bid in the auction. This will be held in trust until the close of the auction.


Refunds on stallion services will only be done by death of the stallion or if the stallion becomes infertile by any means other than gelding. If a stallion owner cannot fulfill their SS contract for any reason, the said stallion owner will be reequired to pay the CBHI the exact amount the stallion services sold for. Stallion owner can name a customer’s foal for a Super Stakes berth.  The stallion owner must EMAIL the office that the foal is one of his on farm picks.  A replacement of a Super Stakes Certificate will cost $25.  If a Registered Name change occurs – the old Super Stakes Certificate, as a well as a copy of the new Registration Certificate and the fee of $25 must be received before a new Super Stakes Certificate is issued.  In the case of a name change, the registration number of the horse must be the same.
There is a two (2) year limit for any breeding as a result of the Super Stakes Stallion Auction..  
A Super Stakes certificate will not be issued, until such time as the foals Registration Certificate has been submitted to the CBHI office. Any stallions not paid into the CBHI that were previously super stakes stallions will be subject to a $50 processing fee per transaction.
In the case of twins, only one foal will be eligible for Super Stakes status.  The owner must pick one. A deceased stallion can stand in the ss auction if the frozen semen has quality documentation in the office. This is for stallions that are 2015 model and older. (AQHA rule) Any year that more than $50,001 is raised in the Super Stakes Auction an 80% Futurity; 20% Derby split, with the first year being 2015.  The minimum for the futurity is $50,001 maximum for the Derby is to be 20% of the total amount raised.





  • Super Stakes stallions are capped at 130.
    We have put in new rules to hopefully help you with any questions regarding this. Please see below.
    1- The Super Stakes stallions are capped at 130.
    2- A waiting list will be put in place. We will take the first one on the waiting list by order of mail date on the envelope /etransfer of your nomination to the CBHI program. YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE TO PAY THE STALLION IN THE CBHI EVERY DEC 1 TO HOLD YOUR SUPER STAKES SPOT.
    3- If your current Super Stakes stallion dies or becomes not fit to breed you have 1 year to replace him.
    4- Replacing a stallion that’s not deceased or unfit. An owner can remove one of their stallions from the Super Stakes that was previously enrolled in order to replace it with a new one that hasn’t been previously enrolled. The stallion must be in that exact owners name that is replacing the previous one.
    5- Selling a Super Stakes stallion. If a super stakes stallion is sold, the selling owner has the option to keep that super stakes stallion spot for themselves to replace it with a new stallion. It must be replaced within 1 year or the owner forfeit’s that super stakes berth. The seller must send in a letter notifying the CBHI office of their intent to keep their super stakes spot for a new stallion and to remove the sold stallion from the list. The selling owner can also choose to pass that super stakes spot on with the stallion to the new owner. If this happens, a letter from both the seller and the buyer of the stallion in question must be sent to the CBHI office notifying them of their intent. Also, all outstanding super stakes breeding’s must be honored in the event of a stallion being sold.
    6- If you are in the Super Stakes program now you are in. Unless…
    a.)late paying (will put you on the bottom of waiting list) (Payments due Dec 1 for the next year)
    b.)NSF cheques received (will put you on the bottom of waiting list)
    If you have any questions or any of the rules are unclear please contact the office. 


1-To hold your spot your CBHI fees must be paid by Dec1.

2-If the stallion dies  you have until next Dec1 to replace him. Stallion has to be in the exact Owner’s name as the previously enrolled stallion.
3-If you have a current stallion in the super stakes and one on the waiting list, you can swap them back and forth.( The 2 farm picks must follow the stallion that was in the auction that year.)
4-If you have a stallion on the waiting list, you can not switch  it with a stallion  in the CBHI super stakes that was not previously nominated by you.  You may replace a SS stallion with the waiting list stallion, but your waiting list spot is then surrendered.
                      5. You may replace a stallion on the waiting list with another stallion which is owned by same person(s)**, who is nominated and in good standing with the CBHI (means ownership on registration papers must match)





  • Payout will be awarded to the individual’s fastest time from the 1st and 2nd go of the Futurity/Derby.  Short Go runs do not qualify for Super Stakes payout/placings.
  • 75% of the total yearly purse is paid to eligible horses with Super Stakes Certificates.  25% of the total yearly purse is paid to the Stallion Owner (sire of the winning horses)
  • Yearly Super Stakes payout follows the web site:
  •  In the case of a tie in the payout of the Super Stakes.  To combine the 2 spots and then split in half.  Example 2 people tied for 2nd.  Second and Third place money would be combined and then split equally between the 2, then the fourth place would be paid out.
  • Age Verification may be done by a vet and/or DNA at the discretion of the board.  DNA verification may be required in the event of discrepancy as to the identity of the horse.
  • The owner or rider of a Super Stakes horse can decide when to futurity (5 year old or younger, you only get to futurity 1 year if you have followed all the futurity eligible rules)

~ A Barrel Horse Program offering Cash Incentives for Riders and Stallion Owners ~
CBHI, SUPER STAKES Stallion Auction, Futurity/Derby Information, Incentive Nomination and Co-Sanctioned Events

Phone: 780-963-0987

© Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive; All rights reserved.