There will not be a cap on the number of stallions participating into the CBHI Incentive.
Stallion owners will pay a full, half, or deceased (with no frozen semen) nomination to participate into the CBHI Incentive with no refund. Deceased stallions are required to send a copy of the papers stamped deceased as well. Due annually Dec 1. There is also a $100 per stallion fee for voleenteer fee, $50 for additional stallions.
A Stallion that has been paid into the Incentive at full nomination of $500 in order to compete themselves can go back down to the $250 nomination (if the stallion ceases competing) until they have offspring of competition age. This will be a one-time reduction allowable only to competing horses.
To be eligible to be a Director, the person (stallion owner) must be full member in good standing with the Association for two (2) consecutive calendar years immediately prior to nomination. Max of 11 directors.
Nominations for Board Members must be submitted to the CBHI office by 30 days before AGM.
The nomination date for Stallion’s is December 1. If nominated after December 1, they will not be included in early advertising or voting, lose their year for sale consignments, will lose their ss waiting spot or lose your spot in the ss.
Offspring from any Stallion purchased out of the country will be eligible for CBHI status, providing that said Stallion is Canadian owned (Canadian address) and standing the breeding season in Canada. If stallion is sold to another country that stallion can be paid in until all resulting off spring are finished competing.
Grade Horses are eligible for the CBHI Incentive program, providing that the CBHI office has a DNA case number on file for and a picture of the said horse. (to prove that they are resulting from the particular CBHI stallion)
Two CBHI members (not board members) will perform the annual audit for AGM. These 2 members are voted on by the current board. The board will try to replace one person per year. (so the same 2 members are not doing it year after year)
CBHI will not accept any nominations/entries that are sent by registered mail or signature needed.
The CBHI office hours are Monday to Friday 9 am to 4 pm Alberta time. Emails can be sent anytime.
Any NSF cheques will result in a $25 office fee. Board of Directors can assess a fine at the discretion for any rule infractions.
Any stale dated cheques will only be honored for 1 year from date of cheque.
Any reissuing of cheques that a person has lost will result in a $25.00 per cheque fee to cover stop payments charges.
Blacklisted means you cannot participate in ANY CBHI events until fines are paid in full.
E transfers are accepted as a form of payment. (auto deposit)
We honor other association black listed lists.
- The buyer has 14 days to get their stallion service auction money in. (if not you will be blacklisted) Black list Super Stakes removal: pay a fine of whatever the last bid you placed as well as supply the CBHI with a refundable Cashiers cheque of money order in the amount of the maximum amount that they are willing to bid in the auction. This will be held in trust until the close of the auction. The runner up will then be notified. They have 24 hours to decide and then 7 days to get their cheque in; if not it goes back to the stallion owner who then has 24 hours to decide and 7 days to get their cheque in. This system will allow all bids/buybacks to be cleared up within 30 days.
- Abusive behavior to office staff during the auction will not be tolerated. The problem bidder will be given a warning, and if the abusive behavior continues, they will not be allowed to bid anymore during that year.
- Stallion buy back is to be 1/2 of the stud fee or the average of the starting bids; whichever is higher. Min starting bid is $750.
- Previously nominated stallions that are deceased can still be in the super stakes program for 2 years if they pay 1/2 of the stallion fee or the average of the starting bids, whichever is higher. (They would have to also pay the $100 per on farm pick up to the 2 picks).
- The starting bid on any Super Stakes Auction stallion service is one half (1/2) of the current stud fee; minimum of $750 or unless otherwise noted by stallion owner.
- Super Stakes nomination fee of $100 for Stallion Service Auction Foal is split between the purchaser of the Stallion Service $75; and the Stallion Owner $25.
- The purchaser of a Stallion Service can sell it privately. CBHI office is to be notified in writing of the change.
- Purchaser of a Stallion Service may switch mares, as long as the stallion owner is notified.
- In the event of tie bidding, all parties will be contacted and given the opportunity to bid at a higher amount. The bidding has not been won until closed is marked on the website, with the successful bidder’s name/or user.
- Stallion services listed are being offered by auction through on line bidding form, e-mail. Phone bids will be accepted between 9 am and 4 pm. (only for people that have filled out the bid form once) No new bidders will be accepted after 1 pm. The “winning” bidder will be invoiced by March 1-3.
- The farm location and stud fee are believed to be accurate although the CBHI will not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions. All successful bids are final and all participants accept the rules and regulation before submitting their bid. The purchasing party will not hold the CBHI or any other entity associated directly to the CBHI and the individuals working in conjunction with it responsible for any errors, omissions and/or liability.
- All stallion services are sold as per the stallion farm’s rules and any special notes made on the website about that particular stallion. It is the bidder’s responsibility to research the specific charges and conditions with respect to that particular stallion. Shipped cooled semen, mare care, chute/farm fees, veterinary and farrier services are not included in your bid.
- It is the bidder’s responsibility to be available after 4 pm for any bidding wars.
- Super Stakes stallions are capped at 130.
- Super Stakes is strictly Bonus money paid to Futurity/Derby horses (that carry a Super Stakes certificate), over and above the usual CBHI money awarded.
- A Stallion must stand in the Super Stakes Auction annually; and have appropriate fees paid to have Super Stakes eligibility. The buyer has 14 days to get their money in. The runner up will then be notified. They have 24 hours to decide and then 7 days to get their cheque in; if not it goes back to the stallion owner who then has 24 hours to decide and 1 week to get their cheque in. This system will allow all bids/buybacks to be cleared up within 30 days.
- Three (3) possible berths per stallion per year.
- Resulting foal from purchase of stud fee in Super Stakes Auction
- 2-Stallion owner on farm picks
- A Stallion must stand in Canada for a minimum of 3 months (April to end of August) of the applicable year in order to participate in the Super Stakes Stallion Auction. The breeding dates must be clarified in the Super Stakes auction.
- A horse is not eligible for Super Stakes status unless it has a valid Super Stakes certificate.
- All on farm picks or Select Sale Super Stakes horses cannot be older than a yearling as of December 1 of their yearling year.
- If a stallion owner has more than one (1) stallion; on farm picks and/or CBHI Select Sale consignments can be switched between stallions.
- Once the Super Stakes Stallion Auction has started, a stallion cannot be added.
- The nomination date for a Super Stakes Stallion donation is December 1.
- Once a Super Stakes certificate has been made, no switches/substitutes will be allowed.
- A replacement of a Super Stakes Certificate will cost $25. If a Registered Name change occurs – the old Super Stakes Certificate, as a well as a copy of the new Registration Certificate and the fee of $25 must be received before a new Super Stakes Certificate is issued. In the case of a name change, the registration number of the horse must be the same.
- Stallion owner can name a customer’s foal for a Super Stakes berth. The stallion owner must sign off that the foal is one of his on farm picks. CBHI office will verify with the stallion owner.
- Refunds on stallion services will only be done by death of the stallion or if the stallion becomes infertile by any means other than gelding. (veterinary certificate required)If a stallion owner cannot fulfill their Super Stakes Contract for any reason, the said stallion owner will be required to pay the CBHI the exact amount the stallion sold for in the auction. The stallion will be removed from SS. If contract was unfulfilled due to bad faith, will lose farm picks as well.
- There is a two (2) year limit for any breeding as a result of the Super Stakes Stallion Auction.
- A Super Stakes certificate will not be issued, until such time as the foals Registration Certificate has been submitted to the CBHI office and appropriate fees have been paid.
- All grade horses must be DNA typed. For Super Stakes Certificates to be issued the CBHI office must have a DNA case number and a set of pictures of the nominated grade horse. (6 views, front, back, each side, and a head shot)
- In the case of twins, only one foal will be eligible for Super Stakes status. The owner must pick one.
- Any year that more than $50,001 is raised in the Super Stakes Auction an 80% Futurity & Futurity 2D; 20% Derby split, with the first year being 2015. The minimum for the futurity is $50,001 maximum for the Derby is to be 20% of the total amount raised.
- All farm picks have a Super Stakes Fee of $100.
- On Farm pick nomination deadline is December 1 of the foal’s yearling year.
- All farm picks are to be in by the deadline, or they will be sent a letter by registered mail with a $100 late fee per stallion. This is to be rectified within 30 days of the auction. If farm pick fee’s are not paid the stallion will be removed from the SS program and placed on the waiting list.
- If a Super Stakes stallion deceases, the stallion owner has 1 year to replace him.
- The CBHI SS stallion waiting list is posted on the web site and in order by the post mark of when it was sent.
- Payout will be awarded to the individual’s fastest time from the 1st and 2nd go of the Futurity/Derby. Short Go runs do not qualify for Super Stakes payout/placings.
- 75% of the total yearly purse is paid to eligible horses with Super Stakes Certificates. 25% of the total yearly purse is paid to the Stallion Owner (sire of the winning horses)
- Yearly Super Stakes payout follows the web site:
- In the case of a tie in the payout of the Super Stakes. To combine the 2 spots and then split in half. Example 2 people tied for 2nd. Second and Third place money would be combined and then split equally between the 2, then the fourth place would be paid out.
- Age Verification may be done by a vet and/or DNA at the discretion of the board. DNA verification may be required in the event of discrepancy as to the identity of the horse.
- The owner or rider of a Super Stakes horse can decide when to futurity (5 year old or younger, you only get to futurity 1 year if you have followed all the futurity eligible rules)
- Stallion owners that have paid a CBHI nomination fee and must be in good standing with the Association to be eligible to place yearlings in the CBHI Select Sale, if it is their selected year.
- Stallion Select Sale consignment year is established on an Odd/Even name basis. This is based upon the date the stallions’ nomination was received, and had been maintained before deadlines. If nomination is received after deadline, the nomination will go into the next available spot.
- Super Stakes horses may only go through the sale 1 time as a yearling.
- Stallion owners are to notify the CBHI office of their intention to use their designated sale spot by June 1. Deadline for submitting consignments to the CBHI Select Sale is July 1 (postmarked). The Sale consignment form must be filled out completely, copy of the papers (if the sale horse is not registered by July 1, a copy of both the sire and dam registration papers must be sent); accompanied by full payment, a write-up and pictures for the catalogue.
CBHI has the right to refuse entry into the Select Sale for the following one or more reasons:
- No registration papers;
- No Signed transfer report;
- Not present on the grounds before 2 pm on the date of the sale for brand inspection and numbering.
- Sale order is determined alphabetical by the Name of the Dam.
- Consigners to the CBHI Select Sale are to pay for transfers. If the horse is a no sale, the fee will not be refunded. (This fee is included in the consignment fee)
- All CBHI Select Sale entries must be registered horses or proper DNA testing.
- Consignment fee to the Select Sale is $350. (fee maybe subject to change) All purchases are to be paid for the day of the sale. Cheques are to be made out directly to the sale consigners.
- The purchaser is to include the $75 nomination fee to make his/her purchase eligible for Super Stakes nomination.
- Following the sale, the CBHI office will hold the original papers until notification by the stallion owner that the cheque has cleared. At that point they will be mailed along with the signed transfer to the applicable breed registry. The Super Stakes Certificate will be mailed to the purchaser.
- Once a horse has been consigned into the CBHI Select Sale, a veterinary certificate stating the horse is not fit to attend must be submitted prior to any substitutions. No refunds of consignment fees will be issued. If the case of a legitimate substitution; it is the seller’s responsibility to provide enough copies for a catalogue insert.
- General Rules (please see entry forms incase of updates)
- There are no refunds of entry fees. No exceptions.
- No membership in the CBHI is required to enter the CBHI Futurity, Derby and Open.
- Completion of entry form and/or payment of entry fees will indicate acceptance of all rules and regulations governing this event.
- All added money and side pot added money are estimated.
- Absolutely no straw or peat moss can be used in the stalls in Ponoka or will be fined for the cost of clean up.
- All needles and syringes must be disposed in the sharps containers in the barn.
- The Futurity & Derby are open to all ages and ability of contestants, men or women, those under 18 years of age will be required to have a parent/guardian on site.
- Entrants/competitors and owners will be responsible for themselves and their horses. All Futurity & Derby horses will be subject to an examination to meet registration identification and numbering. Any horse examined and found to be of ineligible age or failing to meet registration description will be disqualified. If a fut/derb entry misses numbering without any notification they will be disqualified from completion with no refund of entries refunded.
- If a horse is found to have been entered under false pretense, the horse will be disqualified with no refund of entry fees.
- No signs, banners or posters shall be displayed without prior approval of the CBHI.
- Horse/Rider substitutions will be allowed with a $50 substitution fee per change, and a vet or doctor’s affidavit confirming the individuals or horses inability to compete. A rider substitution will be allowed up until the first go with a $100 fee .(The fee is also for family members switching.) No changes after the first go has started.
- Contestants will be assigned stalling and parking. Any horse or tack that is found in a stall that has not been assigned will be fined $100 per stall. Fines shall be paid for by the contestant or his/her representative prior to any further participation in the event, or participation in future events. No tack stalls allowed.
- All vehicles will park in the area designated by the Committee.
- Use of camping electrical outlets on grounds must be requested and paid for in advance. Camping/electrical passes must be displayed on the dash. Fines for units found plugged in without passes result in $50 fine per day in addition to regular fees.
- All dogs must be confined to contestant’s trailer/camper or on a leash at all times. No dogs allowed in barns or arena. Service dogs allowed.
- In the interest of safety for our patrons, employees and contestants, anyone operating a motor vehicle to include golf carts and motor scooters in an unsafe manner may be immediately disqualified and asked to vacate the premises.
- The Committee will not tolerate abuse of any animal or person by any person while attending the CBHI Futurity, Derby & Open. (You will be subject to a fine or asked to leave the event.)
B. Payoff, Entry Fees, Deadlines & Eligibility Requirements
- An Entry fee will be deemed by the committee for both the Futurity and Derby events, and will be posted on the official entry form. The Futurity & Derby shall consist of 2 Long Go Rounds, a Short Go, and an Average. The Short Go qualifiers will be determined by the average. In the case of a tie in last qualifying place for the Short Go; non-monetary prizes will be determined by a flip of a coin.
- 15 contestants will be taken to the Short Go. (This # is based on total entry’s)
- Entry Fees may be split into 2 equal payments. A minimum of half the entry fee must be received by the committee no later than August 1; the remainder is due by September 1. Failing to meet the August 1 deadline will result in a $50 late fee. A $50 late fee will be assessed with each late payment for each horse entered. All stall, ground, camping, and side pot fees must accompany your second payment. Only horses that have both payments, and paperwork submitted by the September 1st deadline will go in the draw. Late entries will be accepted until October 1(in office with payment). All late entries will run at the bottom of the draw both days, and will not be accepted until all fees, including late fees are paid.
- The Futurity is open to horses 5 year of age and younger of the competing year. To be eligible for the Futurity, the horse must NEVER have competed in ANY barrel race, including AQHA show, play days, novice horse events, derbies, rodeos, etc. prior to December 1 of the previous year. To do so will forfeit any and all fees paid and elimination from the Futurity. The Futurity Long Go’s will be a 2D (two division event) and 1 second split determining the 2 divisions. You have to enter the 2D. The Short Go and Average will not have any split.
- The Derby is Open to horses 7 years of age and younger of the competing year. There are no rules on prior competition for the Derby. No horse may enter both the CBHI Futurity and Derby within the same year. The Derby will be a 2D (two division) event with 1 second split determining the 2 divisions. You have to enter the 2D. The Short Go and Average will not have any split.
- There will be a $25 charge for every NSF Cheque.
- A $25 Administration Fee will be charged for each entry into the Futurity and Derby
- Payout for Futurity and Derby Events
- Entry Fees plus all added money will determine the Event Purse. The event purse will be broke down as follows:
- Long Go 1 = 25% of Event Purse
- Long Go 2 = 25% of Event Purse
- Short Go = 10% of Event Purse
- Average = 40% of Event Purse
- Event Placing’s are calculated as in program or posted at event:
- In the event there are not enough individuals placed for payout monies allocated, the money will be split evenly amongst all placed contestants in a ground money format.
- We will try our best to have payout for the Futurity and Derby ready and will be made the last day at completion of the Futurity and Derby.
- Race Rules
- Running positions will be drawn for.
- A horse/rider combination cannot change their draw position. If a person is caught switch, it will result in a $50 fine and will not count for the average.
- A maximum of three (3) gate calls will be given, after which the horse and rider combination will be disqualified for that go-round.
- 45 gallon barrels, containing both ends will be used.
- Contestants must wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, western hat/helmet and boots during their competition. Shirt sleeves must be fully extended and fastened. Sponsor logos are permitted. Contestant must have western hat/helmet on head when entering the barrel arena. Contestant not having a western hat/helmet on head when entering the arena will result in a $50 fine.
- Not following the clover-leaf pattern will result in a no time. A broken pattern shall be defined as breaking the forward motion to retrace the tracks to finish the pattern or making more than the three turns of the clover-leaf pattern or crossing the finish line prior to completion of the run. If a contestant runs by a barrel and has to back up or turn around and retrace their tracks, this would be considered a broken pattern. There shall be no circling of barrels and the run shall be completed at race speed or remove yourself from the arena. Failure to do so will result in a $50 fine.
- A tipped barrel will have a penalty of 5 seconds per barrel tipped.
- Prior to the performances, the barrels shall not be set on the stakes or markers, unless done so by the committee.
- An electric timer will be used for all runs, and the race will be timed to the 100th of a second.
- There will be NO reruns given if a horse falls, is pulled up by the rider or due to malfunction of contestant’s equipment.
- If a horse qualifies for the short go and chooses not run in the short go, it will be given to the next horse/rider in the average.
- No unauthorized persons will be allowed in the barrel arena during the competition.
- Any questions or disputes which may arise during the course of the Event not covered by the above rules will be decided and settled by the committee whose decision will be final.
- Side Pot and Incentives
- The committee reserves the right to add or incorporate any additional side pots or incentives as it sees fit. Every effort will be made to contact all contestants, and notify them if they qualify for any of the side pot or incentives.
- Program Coordinator position and wages and bonus will be reviewed at the first directors meeting after the AGM.
- 10% of the Super Stakes Stallion Auction is to be used to cover administration charges and advertising.