Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive

- ENTRY FORMS - off Sep 22)
2024 Open/Youth/PeeWee Entry form-pdf (cut off Sep 22)


2024   CBHI Event break down

Wednesday Oct 9

Set up- only board members

Pre arranged early arrivals



Thursday Oct 10

8 am office opens


8:00am time onlys (pre booked)


11am 1st go open


Youth 1st go right after



Friday Oct 11

7:00am time onlys (pre booked)


10am 2nd go open


Peewee after open


Youth 2nd go-youth presentations after



Sat Oct 12

6am time onlys (pre booked)


9am  1st go of fut/der –ss horses last (1/2 hour between fut/der)


Breakaway (Max of 30)


6:30pm  Horse sale



Sun Oct 13

6am  time onlys (pre booked)


8 am 2nd go fut/der-total draw reverse(1/2 hour between fut/der)


SS presentations


Short go


Prize presentations



1. F/DThere are No Refunds of Entry Fees.  No Exceptions.

2. No membership is required to enter the CBHI Futurity & Derby and Open.(Your horse does not have to be by a CBHI stallion)

3. Completion of entry form or payment of entry fees will indicate acceptance of all rules and regulations governing this event. If your horse has entered a CBHI event you must still supply a copy of the papers with your entry. If you do not supply the front and back of your horses papers with your entry it will not be entered.

4.The Futurity and Derby are open to all ages and ability of contestants, men or women under 18 years of age will be required to have a parent/guardian on site.

5. Entrants / competitors and owners will be responsible for themselves and their Horses. All horses (fut/derby)will be subject to an examination to meet registration identification and numbering. Any horse examined and found to be of ineligible age or failing to meet registration description will be disqualified.* If a horse is found to have been entered under false pretense, the horse will be disqualified. Horses must show up with NO blankets or leg wraps. We will not number your horse with these on. No entry fees will be refunded.

If you are not numbering and don’t receive a number you will be disqualified without any refunds.

6. No signs, banners or posters shall be displayed without prior approval of the committee. (including barns and doors)

7. Horse/Rider substitutions will be allowed with a $50.00 substitution fee per change, (family member substitution are still $50 per change) No horse substitutions allowed after Sept 22.  Absolutely NO selling spots after Sept 22. No late entry’s allowed after Sept 22. No rider changes after the first go.

8. Contestants will be assigned stalling and parking. Any horse or tack that is found in a stall that has not been assigned will be fined $100 per stall. Fine shall be paid for by the contestant or its representative prior to any further participation in the event. If feeding at your trailer, hay nets must be used or you will be subject to a $50 fine.

9.  All vehicles will park in the area designated by the Committee.

10. Use of camping electrical outlets on grounds must be requested and paid for in advance. Camping/electrical passes must be displayed on the dash/or unit. Fines for units found plugged in without passes will result in $50.00 fines per day in addition to regular fees.

11. Damage willfully caused to any property, i.e. stalls, barns, etc., of the Committee, its lessee or subcontractors, shall be paid for by the contestant or its representative prior to any further participation in the event.

12. ALL dogs must be confined to contestant’s trailer/camper area or on a leash at all times. NO dogs in the arenas and barns.(excluding service dogs)

13. In the interest of safety for our patrons, employees and contestants, anyone operating a motor vehicle to including golf carts and motor scooters (must be 16 years of age) in an unsafe manner may be immediately disqualified and asked to vacate the premises.

14. The Committee will not tolerate abuse of any animal or person by any person while at the CBHI Fut/Derby/Open show in Ponoka, Ab. You will be asked to leave and no entry fees will be refunded. The board of directors can assess a fine at their discretion for any rule infractions

B. Payoff, Entry Fees, Deadlines & Eligibility Requirements:

1. An Entry fee will be deemed by the committee for the both the Futurity and Derby events, and will be posted on the official entry form. The Futurity & Derby shall consist of 2 Long Go Rounds, a Short Go, and an Average.  The Short Go qualifiers will be determined by a horse’s average.  In the event of a tie for last place qualifying for the short go, the fastest combined time of 2 runs will be taken between the contestants who are tied.  If this does not break the tie, both contestants will be invited to compete in the Short Go. The Average will be determined by a horse’s fastest qualifying time over the 2 Long Go’s and the Short Go time combined. These 2 will flip a coin.

2. Entry Fees may be split into 2 payments.  A minimum of half the entry fee must be received by the committee no later than Aug 1; the remainder is due by Sept 1.  Failing to meet the Aug 1 deadline will result in a $50.00 late fee.  A $50.00 late fee will be assessed with each late payment for each horse entered. All stall, ground, camping, and side pot fees must accompany your second payment.  Only horses that have both payments, and paperwork submitted by the Sept deadline will go in the draw. All side pots excluding CBHI will have a $10 holdback to cover recording costs.

3. The Futurity is open to horses 5 years of age and younger of the competing year.  To be eligible for the Futurity, the horse must NEVER have competed in ANY barrel race, including AQHA shows, play days, novice horse events, derbies, rodeos, etc. prior to Nov 15  of the previous year. To do so means forfeit of any and all fees paid and elimination from the futurity.  The Futurity Long go’s will be a 2D (two division event) with 1second split determining the divisions. You have to enter the 2D. The short go and average will not have any split.

4. The Derby is Open to horses 7 years of age and younger of the competing year.  There are no rules on prior competition for the Derby.  No horse may enter both the CBHI Futurity & Derby within the same year. The Derby will be a 2D (two division event) with 1 second split determining the divisions.  You have to enter the 2D. The short-go and average will not have any split. Senior side pot is open only and paid out on the average not per go. Must be 50 years or older.

5. There will be a $25 charge for every NSF cheque or stop payment cheque /e-transfer.

6. If you lose your payout cheque, you will be responsible to pay the stop payment fee before a new one will be issued.

C. Payout will be as follows for both Futurity & Derby Events:

1. Entry Fees + All Added Money will determine the Event Purse:

a. Long Go 1 = 25% of Purse b. Long Go 2 = 25% of Purse c. Short Go = 10% of Purse d. Average = 40% of Purse

2. In the event there are not enough individuals placed for payout monies allocated, the money will be split evenly amongst all placed contestants in a ground money format.

3. Please pick up your Futurity and Derby cheques from the office.

4. The CBHI will only recognize the ownership on the breed registry papers. Please make sure all transfers have been processed by the appropriate breed registry and / or proper ownership records.D. Race Rules:

1. A horse/rider combination cannot change their draw position.  There are no trades for draw.  

2. A maximum of three gate calls will be given, after which the horse and rider combination will be disqualified for that go-round.

3. If a contestant competes out of turn, he/she will be fined $50.00 and will not be included in the average.

4. 45 gallon barrels, containing both ends, will be used.

5. Contestants must wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, western hat /helmet and boots during their competition. Shirt sleeves must be fully extended and fastened. Sponsor logos are permitted.  Contestant must have hat / helmet on head when entering the arena.

6. Not following the clover-leaf pattern will result in a no time.  A broken pattern shall be defined as breaking the forward motion to retrace the tracks to finish the pattern or making more than the three turns of the clover-leaf pattern or crossing the finish line prior to completion of the run. If a contestant runs by a barrel and has to back up or turn around and retrace their tracks, this would be considered a broken pattern. There shall be no circling of barrels and the run shall be completed at race speed or remove yourself from arena. Failure to do so will result in a $50.00 fine. Run in arena only. No circling before you run in the arena. Absolutely no horses in alley arena during rakes or you will receive a $50 fine.

7. A tipped barrel will be plus 5 seconds/barrel.

8. Prior to the performances, the barrels shall not be set on the stakes or markers, unless done so by the committee.

9. Electric timer will be used for all runs, the race will be timed to the 1000th of a second. Should the timer malfunction a rerun will be given at the end of the race.  In the event a rerun is granted, any penalties incurred during the original run will be added to the rerun. Barrel markers are placed in the middle of the barrels as per WPRA rule.

10. There will be NO reruns given if a horse falls, is pulled up by the rider or due to malfunction of contestant’s equipment.

11. If a horse qualifies for the short-go and does not run in the short-go, the horse will given a No Time.  A substitute will not be allowed.

12. Any questions/dispute which may arise during the course of the Event not covered by the above rules will be decided and settled by the committee whose decision will be final.

13. The set up in the arena is the 5 in the holding pen. If you are not in the front that will be an automatic no time. (NO REFUNDS)

14. Must be present or have someone to accept your prizes.

15. We cannot guarantee you time only’s if you enter late.

16. All futurity/ derby horses that make money need to get papers checked before cheques will be released. You can come anytime the office is open to get your draw number on your horses.

17. Only sponsors of the CBHI can display any advertising or their products on the grounds during the event. If interested in promoting your product/service contact the office.

 Amateur Qualifications,Rider agrees and attests to the following:#1- I have never ridden or trained horses in any discipline for any kind of remuneration#2- I have not assisted in training horses or riders for remuneration. .* If a rider is found to have been entered under false pretense, the rider will be disqualified and subject to fine.



~ A Barrel Horse Program offering Cash Incentives for Riders and Stallion Owners ~
CBHI, SUPER STAKES Stallion Auction, Futurity/Derby Information, Incentive Nomination and Co-Sanctioned Events

Phone: 780-963-0987

© Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive; All rights reserved.